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13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Clock chart in analysis board#2

Ack. Bad editing on my part. I am envisioning a burn-down chart. The y-value would represent time on left on the clock at the beginning of the move. Presuming the players are not playing faster than t…

Lichess Feedback - Clock chart in analysis board#1

Sometimes when analyzing a game, I wonder if a bad move was made because of time pressure. As far as I know, there is currently no way to see how much time was left on the clock at any given move. My …

General Chess Discussion - A game with an illegal move...on the SECOND move! (2.Nb6??)#5

My son played in a scholastic tournament last weekend. Every game had at least one illegal move. The best was when black played b5 followed by Bc8-b6, thus giving himself two dark-squared bishops.
