
Clock chart in analysis board

Sometimes when analyzing a game, I wonder if a bad move was made because of time pressure. As far as I know, there is currently no way to see how much time was left on the clock at any given move. My idea is to add a tab next to 'Move times' that shows time left on each clock at the beginning of each move. As the y values approach zero, time left to approach zero. It would make it easy to see at a glance when each player started feeling time pressure.

I suppose with some kind of clever visualization, this data could be overlaid on the 'Move times' chart.

Anyway, I love lichess! So many great features and everything so beautifully implemented! Some day when I get around to learning Scala, I am going to sit down with the lichess codebase and study it. I am seriously impressed with how well built this site is.
Ack. Bad editing on my part.

I am envisioning a burn-down chart. The y-value would represent time on left on the clock at the beginning of the move. Presuming the players are not playing faster than their increment, the y-values would converge toward the axis as the x value increases.

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