
Propose a New Chess Rule

Here is a rather fun new rule:

12. Second-in-command: If at least one Knight and one Bishop remain, the King may be captured, and the Bishop will christen the Knight the New King. Both Bishops and the other Knight if present are removed from the board, as well as one Rook if both still remain. Retain the Knight piece instead of replacing it with the King. The Queen is "hobbled" in that she can now move only one square at a time along the rank-and-file, though her diagonal movement is the same. If a pawn promotes to a King (see rule 11.), the Queen regains full power.

Alternatively, the Queen does not lose power (she's either brave or a whore), and/or the Knight must be eliminated when a pawn promotes to a King ("game of thrones" power struggle).
13. Obligatory violations: If a game does not contain at least one violation of any of these rules (i.e. a knight moving like a bishop, a king promoting to a pawn, white moving a black piece, etc.), the game is declared null and void and both players will be sent to Alcatraz for a period of 72 years.

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