
Ratings/Gameplay change recently

Hi. Anyone noticing a sudden change in the level of games? In blitz. 3 2 rated. I dropped a ton of points in blitz a while back and couldn't make it back for months but in the last few days I gained like 170 points. Most of all, people seem to be playing just terrible chess..I mean I wasn't able to beat a 2200 to save my life for a while there, friggin impenetrable if you know what I mean, and now 2500s are just blundering away games. I don't get it.

A bit nuanced of a post I guess so..just curious if someone out there had the same impression.

Thanks for reading
I cannot point my finger at a specific point in time.

But there are times when I can win many points in a day without too much effort, and at other times I lose a lot.

Obviously it has somewhat to do with my own form and mood, but it sometimes looks like the opponents are simply stronger or weaker at other times. Ideally their rating should reflect this, but because of time zones, geographics, holidays, etc, there may well be statistical significant changes (for example, you might get more opponents from a certain region at late night tilts).

I remember that when looking into online poker years ago, picking a good time was making quite a difference (although there is no rating that ideally should reflect that).