
Lagging or just me?

From here in Australia I am also having time issues. Recently played a game where my opponent was kind enough to resign but I lost what felt like 30secs (probably more like 10sec) for some moves and would definitely lost this game on time had it continued for a couple more moves. The actual game was here:

Sometimes my connection is fine and sometimes my connection does this lag thing where it drops seconds from the clock and it annoys me a lot. If anyone has a solution I'd be very interested.
I have a terrible connection today. Lichess frequently freezes for a few seconds at a time even if I premove and I don't get them back by the lag compensation. This make impossible to play blitz and bullet games.
Here is the game.

Lichess kept freezing for no reason! It's very annoying to lose in this manner! At several instances I lost 10 seconds per move when I premoved!
This is still happening here to me where lag is eating at my time randomly a little bit or a lot per move. It's quite annoying, but I suppose if it is also happening to others I should feel better about it.

Sometimes I can play properly and other times I just will have no hope if the game goes on too long. I need to start playing more for fun, ignore ratings, and get over being frustrated in openings too where I want to play fast a particular line and make a mistake when the opponent makes a different move than I think. I'm playing too fast because I see the opponent hasn't taken much time to play the move and I need to compensate to stay with them on the clock.
Thanks for the link thibault. Perhaps what is happening in my case is that I have a connection that varies in lag (the needle keeps moving around on that page) and the program can't properly reallocate the lag difference to the clocks. I suspect it is also annoying for my opponent.
The text fields with the latency numbers are not properly centered horizontally on the two gauges!!

I mean, HELLLOOOOOOOOOO????????!!!!!!!!!
@H_Badorties: perhaps that was meant at sarcasm at my problem with lag, but it is genuine and perhaps not something that lichess can fix. Perhaps something has changed with International connections on my ISP end or some continental exchange because the needle goes from green (under 400) to green to deep red (+1500) and stays that way for a random number of seconds, back to yellow for a bit and then green for another couple of minutes and then deep red again off the chart, only to go back.

I don't think I had this problem for the months that I have played on lichess and only started experiencing this problem in the last couple of weeks. Perhaps I just need a better ISP line, although I can play on other chess networks fine, so I'll probably be doing more of that and checking back with lichess every so often. I hope this problem sorts itself out.
@metastability: no, sorry, it was indeed meant tongue-in-cheek, but not at all at your problem.
For what it's worth - I, too, had some "reconnection" issues lately and I am in Germany - quite near to the lichess servers. So it may or may not be your ISP line. :-)
Why exactly is lag not compensated over 1 sec????? This disrupts the rating system, because it can make a player lose on time, for example, after thinking only 10 seconds for all his moves in a hyperbullet game. It happens a lot, and it`s getting much worse latelly - I mean in the last few weeks (only in places far away from France?). In a bullet/hyperbullet tourney, a player should not be able to join with a high lag, and should be kicked out if it gets high during the tourney , but not lose any game because of it, in or out tourneys.
Just for comparison: I have pings of <10 on several local servers, and on lichess it was usually 220-300 , but now it`s always 300-800 with peaks over the roof ("reconnecting").
the current lag compensation for us with a slow connection due to long distance from the server is a joke. Quite infuriating in bullet games when opponents can make up to 7 or more moves within the same second unlike us poor sods where even premoves decrease our time in giant leaps. Other than that, it's amazing job you guys did with the development of this website.

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