
Taking holiday/annual leave in correspondence games

@Grumpymantooth said in #10:
> Is this a joke?
> You cannot wake up in the morning, have a coffee, and make a move?
> You really need a long vacation from correspondence, which is incredibly slow to begin with?
> That's kind of pathetic.

Maybe we are having a spell in hospital, surgery perhaps. Maybe a bereavement.

Of course it's not a joke.
It's unfortunate that asking what seemed to me a reasonable question results in some flaming and trolling. Thanks again to those who took the time to provide helpful answers.
@Brian-E said in #11:
> Maybe we are having a spell in hospital, surgery perhaps. Maybe a bereavement.
> Of course it's not a joke.

The question was about taking a vacation, not surgery.
If you cannot play because you are having surgery, then simply resign the game.
Don't be so selfish. Other people shouldn't have to wait weeks and months, just because you need surgery.
You can always start a new game when you are feeling better.
@Seadevil64 said in #12:
> It's unfortunate that asking what seemed to me a reasonable question results in some flaming and trolling. Thanks again to those who took the time to provide helpful answers.

If you want reasonable answers then you also have to face up with whether the right for vacation in correspondence is reasonable at all in the first place. To me it's just not.
@Cedur216 Vacation leave is available in ICCF and on I am a new user on Lichess, so I was simply seeking guidance from more experienced players on Lichess. I am sorry if you think that is unreasonable. I looked in the FAQ first and ran a search, but I could not see an answer. But we are both entitled to our point of view.
@Brian-E said in #9:
> Yes, this definitely happens, and many correspondence players will be annoyed when it does. However there are also those of us who don't mind in the least if our opponent pauses the game for a couple of months. We just start new games with other opponents as necessary and wait patiently for the absent opponent to be forced to carry on.
> So I would advocate implementing vacation time and making it an option for players (or event organisers) to allow it or not, just as they can choose the number of days per move. That's how it works on chessdotcom. That way everyone will be happy. And I would personally relish taking up correspondence again here.
I don’t disagree with you, good input. I also know that life happens and we cannot always get back to our games. For that reason it is a good option to have. The annoyance is when the feature is abused and not likely anyway around that. Perhaps if one could choose to be paired only with opponents who choose the vacation option or vice versa would be workable.
If you start a game of correspondence then you should be aware of what's going on in your life. And if you have something serious happen to you out of the blue, then I guess the game of correspondence is the least of your worries.

I don't know the modalities of chesscom's vacation option, but I only see the room of abuse, could be just as serious as ordinary clocksitting ... btw chesscom also has these correspondence tournaments, great idea, happy cheating ... I mean, chesscom is known for not caring about downsides of features ...
@Eireahmhon said in #13:
> The question was about taking a vacation, not surgery.
> If you cannot play because you are having surgery, then simply resign the game.
> Don't be so selfish. Other people shouldn't have to wait weeks and months, just because you need surgery.
> You can always start a new game when you are feeling better.

Making one move a day is apparently too stressful for some people :)
I thought this was a satire post.
We live in strange times.
Maybe i just know where to look but, is there a way to extend correspondence limitations with mutual consent?

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