
FIDE blitz let go/press clock rule

#10 Are you trying to cause controversy by jumping to conclusions, or do you just enjoy asking difficult questions? If it's the latter, I encourage you to search for and listen to the players' remarks on the incident.
#11 obviously if you read my responce you would realize that if Garry admitted what he did was wrong its fine as long as he does not make a habbit out of it but if he would not admit what he did was against the rules thats just plain wrong. Also the only persons remark that matters is Garry's as this incident was caused by him and no one else.

I am not trying to be controversal all I am saying is that if a player did something wrong and admitted it its fine but if he refuses to acknowlegde what he did thats not good. thats all :P
#12 It's a more nuanced issue than you imagine...

* Garry admitted that he was not aware he released the piece but were he forced to choose between that move and resigning, he would resign.
* Garry isn't the only GM to make touch-move related mistakes. Such mistakes are understandable and not "plain wrong" as you suggest.
* Not all rules infractions are morally wrong. Was it morally wrong when Topalov played illegal move e1=P? Was it morally wrong when Kramnik resigned against Topalov without shaking hands? Countless other rules infractions have been made over the years, many without the players consciously intending to cheat.
* For goodness' sake, it's blitz chess and in many clubs "clock-move" is the rule. Perhaps USCF tournament rules are overly complicated (like the rule requiring that for castling the king must move first; or the rule requiring that to claim threefold repetition you write down the move but do not play it; or the promotion rule stating that the TD must provide the player a queen, but what if the player wishes to promote to a rook?).

Just... be careful what you accuse players of, okay? The real world isn't black and white.
Interesting touch play rule that people forget is: The move is completed when the piece is released and the clock is pressed. What that means you let go of the piece you can't change your move but if you forget to press the clock and lose on time - well that sucks for you!

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