
Carlsen ekes out another Topsy Turvy Titled Arena Victory


"He has no evidence, he just walks, starts shouting "SJW trolling", and throws a tantrum."

So let me understand something...

One day I wake up, sit on my computer, and make a post on Lichess on how a curtain chess opening (say the bongcloud) is offensive because (insert fake reason).

Then, people shout to me that I'm a troll (because I am) for creating a problem from thin air and then try to convince people into solving it by provoking sensitive social issues.

And then, I accuse any logical human being that steps up and accuse me for trolling by saying that they are the real trolls (not me) because they have no evidence to support that what I am saying wrong. Thus creating an infinite loop of nonsense that goes on forever, filling blank internet pages, enraging the entirety of the forum, taking everyone down with me.

Because that's exactly what is going on here.

To the point.

- Yes nobody cares if the name is called transvestite (as @cincigoose (the original troll) provided no evidence for his own claim.)
- Yes the majority of people like how the name is called and they find it really inventive actualy, while maintaining a warm hearted view on transgender people, as we all do actually.
- No the burden of proof doesn't lie into my behalf to provide evidence that there is no evidence to support @cincigoose 's arguments.
- Sorry but I'm not using rhetorics, maybe that's what you do because you have no real argument and no real proof that transgender people are somehow offended if a chess opening is called one way or the other. Because they are not.
And by the way... why should anyone be offended by the name of that opening? That's what they do, they dress with the clothes of the opposite gender and that's perfectly fine, why should transgender people be offended by that? I see no reason. Its their right to be able to dress however they like, and nobody is going to stop them for doing so or accuse them in any way, and if they do accuse them then these accusers are just nasty people for doing so... Transgender people should be proud for choosing to be a different gender from what they were born with and also should be proud that there is a chess opening influenced by them and their community and their values in life and culture, because that shows that they too have influence in the affairs of our global community of coltures and ideas.

I like how @cincigoose suggests that "transvestite" should be changed to "cross-dresser" forgetting that the word "transvestite"literally translates to "cross-dresser"

[Latin transvestite, form of vestiō (“I clothe, I dress”) (as in English vestment, vest). Literally, a "cross-dresser". From transvestite, from German Transvestites, coined in 1910 by Magnus Hirschfeld (the practice itself is much older).] [wikipedia]
You gotta be kidding... 3 pages, 7 , 12... Still same subject. Just imagine how many face palms Magnus will do when he finds this discussion... I mean he even may think that lichess somehow decided he is transvestite and discusses this.
Will he be glad to play here again after this damn thread? That's disaster to throw away attention from his involvement, he actually tried to make stream funny, interesting, leave a place for chance and so on.
“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain
This thread can be put into short paragraph like this(#83):

One day transvestites gathered together and decided, that transvestite word is bad and offensive, and whoever speaks it, is automatically showing disrespect to transvestite community. Because they would like to be called cross-dressers (which into Latin still translates as transvestite), as it doesn't remind them or point out their transvestic disorder, transvestism or transvestic fetishism, which are medical terms for this mental illness they have.

I think it is clear what we are dealing here with, so listen to Mark Twain and enjoy chess :)
"for this mental illness they have"

Well I'm on your side, but now you are just being a bit disrespectful. Why is it a mental disorder? Some people are just born in the wrong body, all we have to do is learn to respect it.

@cincigoose's argument is wrong but lets don't get ahead of ourselves.
Yeah but here we are talking about Transgender Transvestism not just any type of Transvestism. For someone that is not homosexual or transgender, having transvestism might be due to social and or mental issues and maybe as the article suggests can be treated by psychotherapy and support groups, who knows; But for someone who IS homosexual and later on becomes a transgender, maybe it's not a mental disorder to wanna dress like a Woman or a Man, because at the end, that's who these people are...

Now what do I know? It might actually be a disorder to be homosexual or transgender... But until something like that is scientifically proven we shouldn't accuse anyone for mental disorder withought proof.

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