
JavaScript Sourcemaps for the Front-End UI

Typescript (ts):
- JavaScript superset language ("macros" on top of the base language, allowing coding at a more conceptual level)

- Compiler Typescript code to Minified JS bundle which is shipped by lichess server to our client machine browsers.

- Devtools inspect page, set DOM tree variables updating conditions that will pause execution of the compiled JS code from lichess, and its updating actions on the live DOM tree, at the first time when condition is true, and point to the exact code line in the source file panel.

- allows us to bridge meaningful typescript definitions to the code line pointed at break-point pause in the minified JS code, an otherwise unreadable sequence of function definitions each with 1 letter from the alphabet, or 2 if more than 26 functions (some people can figure it out, though without the mapping. ;).
So what we were missing was somehow to "add the ui folder to chrome"

I am assuming that this means the github repo URL, however, I asked for confirmation or alternative meaning on Discord.

But, we may find out by trying at by experimenting, URL in the context menu of Devtools, once on the source panel.

Remark: in any case, the settings of Devtools need to enable CSS source maps, as well as JS source maps.

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