
Why do we have school

We have schools to give the tatooed pink haired transgender hellions somewhere to play while their parents sell marijuana.
@ToTheEndOfTheWorld said in #49:
> To use Khan Academy you need to have a basic understanding of how to use technology and how to read.
> Not to mention that using Khan Academy all the way from K-12 is essentially just going to school, which is what OP was avoiding ;)
speaking about that, it does raise concerns about In person vs. Online schooling, because of the increasing obesity rates and all that.

However, I realized that do you think that people would retort again to online schooling, literally after the pandemic?
seriously though, anything worth learning can be taught outside of school, as long as you have a library somewhere and curiosity.
I didn't learn reading in school. school didn't teach me common sense.
Someone's got to test the kids who seem to be different, someone's got to prescribe the Ritalin. Shouldn't it be someone who has been to school?
Or does common sense tell you to shoot the messenger?
@JeZha said in #48:
> Well... what about other subjects...
> And how did people make calculators and ChatGPT ? From knowledge that came from going to school.
> It’s like a cycle, people go to school so they can be smart enough to make things that mean you don’t need to go to school. But you need to keep people going to school so that they can be smart enough to come up with better solutions for people not to go to school...
> Anyways, schools nice, why wouldn’t you go?
I agree with you. School is boring i know but knowledge is important. The reason why we have computers, a house a calculator, etc are because we have knowledge
@MIHIR_KATTI said in #52:
> speaking about that, it does raise concerns about In person vs. Online schooling, because of the increasing obesity rates and all that.
I don't think online school is the reason for people getting fatter if that's what you're trying to say.

Online school can be great if you are on a tight schedule. In theory - and this heavily depends on the type of school - having it online would allow you to pursue your passion without losing an education (I.e. be a professional dancer spending 9 hours a day perfecting your craft, and then studying in the evening/night.

> However, I realized that do you think that people would retort again to online schooling, literally after the pandemic?

There are many good formats to online school and bad ones. At the end of the day it really just heavily depends on the person. :)
Much of what one learns in school is not on the curriculum, and is lost when the schooling is online. Furthermore, not everybody seems to remain sufficiently diligent when the schooling is online -- too many "sign in" and then "tune out."

We learn social norms and coping skills by ... interacting with other people. In the same room. For real.

Let's not all race to turn real life into a Matrix in which we all live cocooned in our safe spaces, peering out at the world mostly through electronic screens.
students get forced to do boring tasks for hours,its unhuman,only kids who are willing to go to school should go to school

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