
Stockfish Variants, Why not Antichess ?

I see! thank you for the link. Although im ashamed to say it i dont know how to compile it :(

regarding the openings, might i ask which opening does it prefer for white and what response does it give to 1.e3? is it b6?
The 5 best moves at depth 20 (which takes about 1s):
1.Nh3, 1.Na3, 1.b3, 1.c4, 1.g3

The 5 best moves at depth 20 after 1.e3:
1...b5, 1...c5, 1...c6, 1...b6, 1...a6

The important point is that it evaluates 1...b5 as much better for black and all other replies as much better for white (>+2). So if it found that 1...b5 is bad, it would immediately recognize 1.e3 as the best move. However, 1...b5 will be a tough nut to crack.
Oh, wait, I have run it from the starting position with multipv=20 on an AWS machine a few days ago. The output was:
depth 45 seldepth 79 multipv 1 score cp 7 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv g1h3 e7e6 b2b4 f8b4 e2e3 b4d2 c1d2 g8e7 f1a6 b7a6 h3g5 h8g8 g5e6 f7e6 d1g4 a6a5 d2a5 e7d5 a5c7 d8c7 g4g7 d5e3 f2e3 c7h2 g7g8 h2g2 g8h7 g2c2 h7d7 c2b1 d7c8 b1a1 c8b8 a1e1 b8a8 e1h1 a8h1 e6e5 e3e4 e8e7 h1c1 e7d7 c1c8 d7c8 a2a4 c8b7 a4a5 b7c6 a5a6 c6d5 e4d5 e5e4 d5d6 e4e3 d6d7 e3e2
depth 45 seldepth 79 multipv 2 score cp 0 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv g2g3 g8h6 b2b3 g7g6 b1a3 b7b5 a3b5 b8c6 b5c7 d8c7 g3g4 c7h2 h1h2 h6g4 h2h7 g4f2 e1f2 h8h7 b3b4 c6b4 a2a4 b4c2 d1c2 c8a6 c2g6 f7g6 a4a5 a6e2 g1e2 h7h3 f1h3 e8f7 h3d7 e7e6 d7e6 f7e6 c1a3 f8a3 a1a3 g6g5 a3a1 e6f7 a1e1 a8h8 e1a1 h8a8 e2c1 a8h8 c1e2 h8a8
depth 45 seldepth 79 multipv 3 score cp -7 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv c2c4 g7g6 a2a4 c7c5 b2b4 c5b4 a1a3 b4a3 b1a3 d8c7 d1b3 c7h2 h1h2 b7b5 b3b5 d7d5 b5e8 d5c4 e8f7 h7h6 h2h6 h8h6 a3c4 h6h2 f7e7 h2g2 e7a7 g2g1 a7b8 a8a4 b8c8 a4c4 c8c4 g1f1 c4g8 f1f2 g8f8 f2e2 e1e2 g6g5 f8f1 g5g4 f1d1 g4g3 d1b3 g3g2 e2f1 g2f1b b3c4 f1c4 d2d3 c4d3 c1b2 d3e2 b2f6 e2d3 f6d4 d3e2 d4f6 e2d3 f6d4 d3c4 d4b6 c4e2 b6a5
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 4 score cp -48 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv g2g4 b7b6 g1h3 c7c5 a2a3 g7g5 h3g5 g8h6 g5f7 h6g4 f7d8 e8d8 d2d4 c5d4 d1d4 g4h2 d4b6 a7b6 h1h2 a8a3 h2h7 h8h7 a1a3 h7h3 f1h3 e7e5 h3d7 f8a3 b1a3 b8d7 a3b1 e5e4 e2e3 d7e5 e1d1 e5g4 c1d2 g4e3 f2e3 d8e7 d2a5 b6a5 b1a3 e7f6 d1e2 f6e5 e2f3 e4f3 e3e4 e5e4 c2c4 e4d5 c4d5 a5a4 d5d6 c8b7 d6d7 b7c8 d7c8r f3f2 b2b4 a4b3 a3b5 b3b2 b5d4
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 5 score cp -79 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv b2b3 c7c5 b3b4 c5b4 c1a3 b4a3 b1a3 b8a6 e2e3 b7b5 f1b5 d8a5 b5a6 a5a3 a6c8 a3a2 a1a2 a8c8 a2a7 c8c2 d1c2 f7f5 a7d7 e8d7 c2f5 d7e6 f5h7 h8h7 e3e4 h7h2 h1h2 e6f7 h2h6 g7h6 g1e2 h6h5 g2g4 h5g4 f2f3 g4f3 e2c3 f7g6 e4e5 e7e6 e1d1 g8e7 d2d3 e7g8 d1d2 f8e7 d2d1 g8h6 d1c2 g6g5 c2b3 e7a3 b3a3 f3f2 c3d5 e6d5 a3b4 g5f6 e5f6 h6g4 d3d4 g4f6
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 6 score cp -113 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv e2e3 b7b5 f1b5 c8b7 b5d7 b7g2 d7e8 g2h1 e8f7 d8d2 e1d2 h1d5 f7g8 d5a2 a1a2 h8g8 a2a7 a8a7 d1f3 b8d7 f3f8 d7f8 e3e4 g8h8 b1a3 a7a3 b2a3 h7h6 a3a4 h6h5 g1e2 f8h7 e2c3 h7f8 c3e2 f8h7 e2c3 h5h4 c3d1 h8c8 c2c4 c8h8 d1c3 h8g8 c3d1 g8c8 d1c3 c8g8 c3e2 h7f8 d2e3 f8h7 e2g3 h4g3 h2g3 h7f8 g3g4 c7c6
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 7 score cp -113 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv b1a3 g7g6 c2c4 g8h6 g2g3 h6g4 d1b3 g4h2 h1h2 c7c6 h2h7 h8h7 b3b7 c8b7 g1h3 h7h3 f1h3 e7e6 h3e6 f8a3 b2a3 f7e6 g3g4 e8e7 a3a4 a7a5 a2a3 d8e8 e1d1 g6g5 d1c2 e8h5 g4h5 g5g4 f2f4 g4f3 e2f3 a8a7 h5h6 b7a8 c2c3 e7f7 h6h7 a7c7 c1b2 c7c8 a1h1 a8b7 h1h4 c8e8 d2d3 f7e7 h4g4 e8g8 h7g8k e7f7 g8f7 b7a6 f7e6 d7e6
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 8 score cp -223 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv a2a4 b7b5 a4b5 g8h6 a1a7 a8a7 b1a3 a7a3 b2a3 c8a6 b5a6 b8a6 a3a4 h6g4 c2c4 g4h2 h1h2 d7d5 c4d5 d8d5 h2h7 h8h7 d1c2 d5d2 c2h7 d2e2 g1e2 g7g5 h7f7 e8f7 c1g5 f7e8 g5e7 e8e7 g2g4 e7d6 f1h3 a6b8 e1d2 d6c6 a4a5 b8d7 f2f3 d7b6 a5b6 c7b6 f3f4 b6b5 f4f5 c6d6 d2d3 d6c6 d3e3 c6d7 e3e4 d7c6 e4e3
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 9 score cp -246 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv f2f3 c7c5 b2b4 c5b4 c1a3 b4a3 b1a3 b8a6 e2e3 b7b5 f1b5 a6b4 b5d7 e8d7 g1e2 b4a2 a1a2 d8a5 a3b1 a5d2 d1d2 d7d8 a2a7 a8a7 d2d8 a7d7 d8d7 c8d7 e2f4 e7e6 f4e6 f7e6 b1a3 f8a3 e3e4 g8e7 h2h3 e7g8 h1f1 g8e7 f1f2 h8a8 f2f1 a8a7 e1d2 a7a8 d2e2 a3c1 f1c1 a8d8 e2d2 d8g8 c1d1 g8e8 d1c1 e8d8 d2e2 d8h8
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 10 score cp -250 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv a2a3 b8a6 c2c3 c7c5 d1a4 a6b8 a4a7 a8a7 e1d1 a7a3 b2a3 b8a6 g2g3 a6b4 a3b4 c5b4 c3b4 d8a5 b4a5 b7b5 a5b6 c8a6 a1a6 g7g6 a6a1 e8d8 b1a3 e7e6 f1g2 f8a3 a1a3 g8e7 g2c6 d7c6 b6b7 d8e8 a3b3 c6c5 d2d4 c5d4 b3c3 d4c3 c1b2 c3b2 d1c1 b2c1b e2e3 c1e3 f2e3 e7c8 b7c8n e8e7 c8e7 h8d8 e7g6 f7g6 g1e2 d8d4 e3d4 e6e5 d4e5
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 11 score cp -324 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv c2c3 e7e5 g1h3 d8g5 h3g5 f8b4 c3b4 c7c5 b4c5 d7d6 g5h7 h8h7 c5d6 h7h2 h1h2 c8h3 h2h3 g8h6 h3h6 g7h6 f2f4 e5f4 g2g4 f4g3 e1f2 g3f2 d1e1 f2e1q d2d4 e1c1 b1d2 c1f1 d2f1 b8d7 f1d2 a8d8 d4d5 h6h5 a1d1 e8e7 d6e7 d7e5 e7d8k e5c4 d2c4 a7a5 c4a5 h5h4 a5b7 h4h3 d5d6 h3h2 d8c7 f7f5 e2e4 f5e4 d6d7 e4e3
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 12 score cp -447 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv h2h3 g8h6 f2f3 h6g4 f3g4 c7c5 e1f2 b8a6 f2g3 g7g6 b2b4 c5b4 g3f3 b4b3 c2b3 d8c7 d1c2 c7c2 f3g3 c2a2 a1a2 a6b4 a2a7 a8a7 c1a3 a7a3 b1a3 b4c2 a3c2 b7b5 b3b4 c8a6 c2a1 e8d8 a1b3 d8c7 d2d3 a6c8 b3d2 c7b6 d2b3 b6c7 b3d2 c7b6 d2b3 b6a7 g3f3 c8a6 b3d2 a7b6 d2c4 b5c4 d3c4 a6c4
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 13 score cp -477 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv b2b4 c7c5 b4c5 a7a5 c5c6 b8c6 g2g3 d8b6 c1a3 b6b1 d1b1 b7b6 b1b6 c6b4 a3b4 a5b4 b6b4 a8a2 a1a2 c8a6 a2a6 g7g6 a6g6 f7g6 b4e7 f8e7 g3g4 h7h5 g4h5 g6h5 e2e3 e8d8 f1b5 e7f6 b5d7 d8d7 g1e2 f6c3 e2c3 g8h6 h1f1 d7e7 e1e2 h5h4 f1c1 e7f7 c3b5 f7f6 c1a1 h6g4 e2d3 g4e3 d2e3 h8a8 a1a8 h4h3 a8a4 f6g5 a4g4 g5g4 f2f3 g4f3 d3e2
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 14 score cp -527 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv b1c3 d7d5 c3d5 d8d5 g2g4 d5a2 a1a2 c8g4 a2a7 a8a7 f1h3 g4h3 g1h3 h7h5 e2e4 g7g5 d1h5 h8h5 h3g5 h5h2 g5f7 e8f7 h1h2 f8h6 h2h6 g8h6 e4e5 f7g6 e1f1 h6g8 f1g2 g8f6 e5f6 g6f6 g2h3 b8d7 h3h4 f6e6 f2f4 e6f7 h4h5 f7f8 h5g5 a7a8 g5h5 d7b8 h5g5 b8d7 g5h5 f8g8 h5g5 c7c6 c2c3 g8f8 g5h5 f8e8 h5g4 e8f7 g4h5 f7f8 h5g5 f8e8 g5g4 e8f7
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 15 score cp -752 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv g1f3 e7e5 f3e5 f8d6 e5f7 d6h2 f7d8 e8d8 h1h2 d8e7 h2h7 h8h7 c2c3 b8a6 d1a4 b7b6 a4a6 c8a6 e2e3 a6f1 e1f1 h7h3 g2h3 g8h6 f1e2 e7f7 e2f3 f7e7 f3e2 e7f7 e2f3 a8c8 f3g3 f7f6 g3f3 c8a8 f3g3 a8b8 g3h2 b8g8 h2g3 g8c8 g3f3 c8a8 f3g3 a8d8 g3f3 f6e6 f3g3 e6f6 g3f3 d8g8
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 16 score cp -763 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv f2f4 e7e5 f4e5 f8a3 b2a3 d8h4 e5e6 d7e6 c2c3 h4h2 h1h2 b8c6 h2h7 h8h7 d1a4 b7b6 a4c6 g8e7 c6c7 c8b7 c7b7 a7a5 b7e7 e8e7 g1h3 h7h3 g2h3 e7d6 c3c4 b6b5 c4b5 a5a4 e1f2 d6e7 f2g3 e7d7 g3f3 d7e7 f3g3 e7e8 g3f3 e8d7 f1g2 d7d6 g2f1 d6d7 f1g2 d7e7 g2f1 e7d6 f1g2 d6e7 g2f1 e7e8 f1g2 e8d7 g2h1 d7e7 h1g2
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 17 score cp -855 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv h2h4 g7g5 h4g5 f8h6 h1h6 g8h6 g5h6 e8f8 g2g4 c7c5 c2c3 a7a6 g4g5 f8g7 h6g7 d8b6 g7h8q b6b2 c1b2 h7h5 h8c8 h5h4 c8b7 a8a7 b7a6 b8a6 g1h3 a7a8 b2c1 a8h8 a2a4 h8h6 g5h6 f7f5 c3c4 f5f4 h3f4 d7d6 f4h3 a6c7 a1a2 c7e8 a4a5 d6d5 c4d5 e8g7 h6g7 e7e6 d5e6 c5c4 d1b3 c4b3 a2c2 b3c2 e6e7 c2b1n
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 18 score mate -17 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv d2d3 g7g5 c1g5 f8g7 g5e7 g7b2 e7d8 b2a1 d8c7 a1c3 b1c3 d7d5 c3d5 g8f6 d5f6 h8g8 f6g8 e8e7 g8e7 c8f5 e7f5 h7h6 c7b8 a8b8 f5h6 a7a5 h6f7 b8d8 f7d8 a5a4 d8b7 a4a3 b7d6
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 19 score mate -17 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv d2d4 e7e5 d4e5 d8g5 c1g5 f8a3 b2a3 e8d8 g5d8 a7a6 d8c7 a8a7 c7b8 a6a5 b8a7 b7b6 a7b6 g8e7 d1d7 c8d7 b6a5 h8d8 a5d8 h7h5 d8e7 d7h3 g2h3 h5h4 e7h4 f7f6 e5f6 g7f6 h4f6
depth 44 seldepth 79 multipv 20 score mate -17 nodes 21974849989 nps 345858 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 63537177 pv e2e4 b7b5 f1b5 g8f6 b5d7 f6e4 d7e8 d8d2 b1d2 e4d2 e8f7 e7e5 e1d2 h8g8 f7g8 c8a6 g8h7 e5e4 h7e4 b8c6 e4c6 g7g5 c6a8 g5g4 d1g4 a6c4 g4c4 f8c5 c4c5 a7a6 c5c7 a6a5 c7a5
My suggestion is that Stockfish has two modes, one including the partial weak solution and one without. All black moves must take the partial weak solution into account (and ask Dr. Mark Watkins for permission to use his lines) or a guy with the solution on can easily defeat Stockfish. On the other hand, diversity in white moves should usually be desired so that not all antichess players are trained to merely remember 1.e3 b6 and not do anything else.

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