
Chess Cheaters

Cheating is a short cut. It helps to avoid particular situations. So a person cheats for a purpose. The purpose even unwillingly, will have a long-term aim. The outcome achieves something, but it's different for everyone. The aim could be as simple as a thrill to outsmart or test the detection system. Makes me think of the 2002 movie: "Catch me if you can".

With a lack of knowledge, the temptation to use short-cuts grows. Some people just don't understand why it can cause harm. It clearly needs to be explained to them, why they should not use the short-cut. Saying it's against the TOS is not explaining how it could or does cause harm.

Shortcuts tend to save time and effort, but also includes risks that have consequences.
@Cedur216 said in #18:
> and some people have no proper use of uppercase / lowercase

And Some People Start Sentence With Lowercase.
@Toscani The cheater is only caught if in person he plays with someone of the level he supposedly has in a quick game of 1 minute, by surprise, if he doesn't win even one in 4 out of 20, you know if he cheated or not.
That's why we usually prefer to play in person, to avoid nimans, although I see that cheaters look for strange ways to avoid being caught, using the shame, morality and innocence of honest people. So much so, that even great teachers, and internet pages prefer to believe that magnus is afraid of losing to someone who cheated, than to believe him because of his experience.
@Cedur216 It is normal for a player to believe that a good player had a bad game, but it hurts me that it is normalized that seeing is not believed when from experience you know what people's looks are like, and that another GM or a beginner does not believe you .
The easy thing is not to think and believe that it is normal, if it happens to others, the misfortunes come later if it affects you after letting that cheater continue playing
@Toscani You talk about young people, do you think we have to teach them? If they only learn from adults, look what they learned from those adult people, most only see the bad things without seeing the positive.
I know that a player even in the worst moments would still be a good player
@alhalim You assumed I used the word "young". I did no such thing.
I found your word in PERPLEXITY link.
I did not write what was written in there. The title was all I wrote: Cheating is a short cut.
It's not that hard to pay attention, think positive, and strive to be motivated. If a player can, he can win 10 out of 10 with 1200 against a 1900, if he has someone who encourages him with good words, but it seems to be negative and insulting. It seems easy to them, many of them stop playing because of that, and those others also insult or cheat.
If being young means learning, that adults teach better things, not just a few among so many, so there would be fewer cheaters, I assure you, being 18 years old does not mean being immature, it means that you see things in adults that you don't want to repeat, like in chess, making fun of another player because of his age, rating or any other reason.
If it hurts you to lose against a child, I don't know if you should play chess until you learn to be happy about it, age does not mean knowing more, nor being wiser. It means they should stop doing childish things.
Seriously, if you cheat, and you're a kid, I'm telling you, don't do it, motivate yourself for something and be the best for yourself, and if you're an adult, don't do kid things.
Q being a minor, or young like 20, does not make me less clever, but less wise, for not having more age but still thinking that it is better to learn than to insult.
If you feel sad about choosing a bad path, you can always change to the good one, instead of continuing on the bad path of chess.

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