
Fat Fritz is not the Only Ripoff and now ChessBase is Getting Sued

I am so glad that the stockfish team is taking action. I also hope that chessbase does have to pay stockfish big money I mean chessbase for all the years they have been around have been grabbing money hand over fist. Stockfish is supposed to be an open source chess engine. With this being said chessbase should be giving out everything they have ever done free of charge meaning all programs they have ever released Houdini, Fritz, Fat Fritz ect. I have been a huge fan of the open source community I seriously do hope that stockfish wins in court as even I was bit by an extravagant price tag when I bought a Fritz program that should of been given to me free of charge. You all ask why well read there open source agreement. The Stockfish project strongly believes in free and open-source software and data. Collaboration is what made this engine the strongest chess engine in the world. We license our software using the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (GPL) with the intent to guarantee all chess enthusiasts the freedom to use, share and change all versions of the program. Fat Fritz, Houdini, and all of chessbase spin off programs are just modified stockfish programs. With this being said hey chessbase where is my FREE software you now owe me?
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