
Search "user:UjaalaHussain"

34 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess doesn't allow correspondence variant rated games#5

Thanks, i found some answers

Lichess Feedback - Lichess doesn't allow correspondence variant rated games#3

@Cedur216 said in #2: > Didn't this use to be covered by the FAQ? I didn't see it in the FAQ i just checked it

Lichess Feedback - Lichess doesn't allow correspondence variant rated games#1

Lichess doesn't allow to play variant correspondence rated games. I don't know why does anybody know why lichess does this?

General Chess Discussion - Tournaments#1

I would like to make an tournament( Atomic Casual 5-0). I want people to join it but I can't find enough people for a fun tournament. I want to find at least 5-10 people who are willing to play.

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The Casual Atomic Chess Team - How often do we play?#8

@NoorHussain said in #7: > what day of the week? > and when monthly ? > can we do now ? sure, we can do now

The Casual Atomic Chess Team - How often do we play?#5

and please get as many people as possible to join this team

The Casual Atomic Chess Team - How often do we play?#4

we will play every week, and maybe a monthly tournament too.

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General Chess Discussion - check this please#16

Oh! i will make it Atomic
