
Search "user:JurisDoctor"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess Bans Keyboard#53

Interesting. While I am exclusively a mouse player -- I do not feel that there should be a blanket ban on keyboard users. In rated tournaments, however, yes, I do believe kb should not permitted. That…

General Chess Discussion - i found 6 solutions for lag comp in ultra.#12

Very interesting solution suggestions. I think of all solutions, number 3 is the cleanest, most fair, and easiest to implement. There should definitely be a lag compensation cap to ultrabullet games. …

General Chess Discussion - do something about lag comp in ultra#42

I genuinely wish there were a solution to this issue. Lichess is by far the best platform to play chess, (far better than chess .com lol) but the lag compensation in bullet, specifically ultrabullet, …

Lichess Feedback - lichess vs other sites#2

Why would you say that. Lichess is by far the BEST site to play blitz and bullet on. I am actually curious as to why you've reached such a conclusion...

Lichess Feedback - Filtering by Connection#4

I am happy I am not alone in experiencing this frustrating phenomenon. I wish Lichess would allow us to filter out bad connections. Playing players with 3-bars is like playing someone with an incremen…

General Chess Discussion - Lag Compensation in Bullet: Stop Penalizing Players with Good Connection#1

When will you guys finally patch the lag compensation advantage to players who have an inferior connection? When versing a player with a 3-bar connection in ultra, I notice that although I premove, I …
