
Chess Cheaters

"I want to be better than everyone else in everything and never lose"
Sign of the times. I mean, cheating has always been with us, there's no question. But its exponential explosion over the last few years just numbs the senses.

We live in a broken world, increasingly full of dysfunctional, narcissistic, angry people, all with broken souls.
Chess overall has exploded due to corona queens gambit or whatever. The extent of cheating hasn't been influenced that much, contrary to some populist claims
@sid_2019 said in #1:
> Why do some people cheat?

They are too stupid to think by themselves and want to win, hence cheating is a good solution for them, especially since there are no real sanctions.
Maybe they can't reach a rating they want so they use the engine to get there. it's about ego as well. they also don't realise how stupid they look when they cheat @sid_2019
There's an explosion of paranoia about cheating. People beat me fair and square every day. Where are all these cheats?
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