
Arrested for holding blank piece of paper

There are two main outcomes now:

1) As putin's group defeat will appear imminent, they will use nuclear strike. Just because of psychology of half-child half-animal works. He is not capable of thinking as educated person as many suggest. Probability of this is very high actually.

2) Some sort of fake victory without nuclear. When TV shows outstanding imaginary victory and elimination of enemy while army walks away and hides cargo of corpses transferred back over border.

Why this is special - in 2) they will declare reason for hidden defeat exactly opposition people. Child's mind does not work other way.
Again, exactly person who is standing above with white paper will be declared traitor and reason for defeat. And all same protestors and critics.
Barbarians who use now these truly horrible vaporising weapons (which supposed to be used only as last chance defence in Soviet Union and never in external conflicts), who raped and tried to annihilate Ukraine population after war will be redirected exactly to hunt against putin opposition when Ukraine conflict will cease.

And, by the way, putin probably doesn't even exists as person. It's group of people behind who hate both Russians and Ukrainians same way and considers this war just as great fun achievement.
@hal9k said in #2:
> And, by the way, putin probably doesn't even exists as person. It's group of people behind who hate both Russians and Ukrainians same way and considers this war just as great fun achievement.
I followed you until there.
Might have to do with being ruled for the same person for the last 23 years who keeps changing the constitutional framework to allow his continued rule and the other stuff
@PxJ said in #3:
> I followed you until there.
@twighead said in #5:

You may be just too used that things work normally and reasonably, while:
1) it's well known fact that there was group of people who was involved in organised crime in Saint Petersburg with putin. People from this group now have top goverment positions - for example, head of internal police
Who was putin bodyguard (there are old photos)
They are real goverment, not typical misconception about 1 person.
2) just look at Viktor Zolotov face. Look at other faces of top ru official - almost not a single normally looking person. And they never truly fired - they just swapped around like Dmitry Rogozin was fired and immediately hired again.
It's not about conspiracy - just about very clearly it is completely wrecked system with possible deliberate selection of psychopats.
3) there is Dmitry Medvedev who is used in exactly this way - it's obvious for anyone that he is just talking head who decides nothing and just reads what he is ordered to.
4) Also highlely likely, though not proven, that putin is using same actors (same person dressed as nurse, as mother of dead solider, as etc). Highlely likely that he is not risking now with external visits too and uses well prepared actor instead.
5) And last, quite reasonable - it is very hard for single person to take responsibility for thing like declaring war to Ukraine. If putin is just a proxy that would explain all madness, because group of people behind have much less sence of responsibly for their actions.

It's also typical simplification to impersonalise things like weak minds in Sci Fi put human inside of robots because people otherwise can't follow.
To summarise all this - very reasonable not to assume that there is one person who is center of country. And not to try to simplify what is happening to decision of just one person who can be understood and followed.
@hal9k there is a difference between "not to assume that there is one person who is center of country" and "putin probably doesn't even exists as person". The existence of a personal Putin is well-attested. Or maybe I misunderstood you.
@Passionate_Player said in #4:
> Why is this looking more like a dictatorship?

It's been a dictatorship for quite a while. The elections, both presidential and parliamentary, are a sham. All press critical of the regime has been suppressed (the last two remaining outlets, the radio station Echo of Moscow and TV Rain, were shut down at the beginning of the war). Some opposition leaders are being jailed, others have to flee lest they be arrested. And it is getting worse and worse.

And yes, you can now be arrested for just holding a blank piece of paper or a poster that simply says "Peace."

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