
Nicest mate I've had in a while... down 7 pts material to boot!

So I blundered a queen, as we all do from time to time. Looked away for a second, looked back and saw "ooh free knight" and impulse took, did NOT think at all (very distracted).

But I played it out from a losing position to see if I could make something happen. And on move 29. I saw something. A possible mate.

It's not quite forced because my opponent could have blocked it by trading queen for rook and still been winning but it's kinda hard to see and he was up a lot and playing fairly quickly and confidently.

I saw the mate after my opponent played 29. Qd3


Guys, thats why you should never resign
@Yuno_Me said in #3:
> wow
> Guys, thats why you should never resign
well, if you are versing a more experienced player then it would be best to resign and save some time

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