
Why is the distribution curve spiky?

I was looking at the normal distribution curve showing ratings, and noticed a sawtooth effect. Does anyone know what causes this?
Reaching milestone, making new account. Redo from start.
You know, would be fun if Maia started to peak sit when it reaches a good rating :D
@glbert said in #2:
> just search for "spike" in the forums. e.g.
> at this point this should be in the FAQ.
Would not help a bit as there is abundance of people with no skill searching the forum (which has its own search) nor reading the faq.
- how to become GM
- is my rating good
- how lichess rating relate to FIDE/USCF/ rating
- what is good opening for xxx
and several other will keep popping up at least one a week.
one of my favorite thread topic. slow re-occurrence. but always welcome.

and spike might miss a bunch. "just search" is not a good rule of thumb.....

reddit has a good one, I think. I don't recall "spike" though.

the spikes themselves are patterned. more like wave pattern on top of a smoother distribution. and very psychological and binning choice dependent (question actually).

I think it is a good topic and not at all well documented.
How could it be documented?

No one has any better idea why than anyone else has. Nobody asked everyone. Nobody asked most people. Nobody even asked 1% of the people.

Literally the only difference between people is that some people feel confident theorizing based on no actual information and other do not feel as confident.

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