
10 Most Common Chess Mistakes, Book Review and Free E-Book

@TitleKiller so you've posted your 'wisdom' (which i see merely as spam for your coaching) daily here since at least the 18th??? i stopped looking for your posts prior to that because - it's boring, you know? whatever long as it keeps you afloat and not having to get a job at walmart.
I am going to copy and paste what I posted earlier because it really says everything I have to say to you and the negativity you bring.

The point of these forums is to add value to other chess players. If you have locations where more value is present, referencing players to those locations is adding significant value to these players. I know what it is like to not know where to look, and I want to solve this problem for the many others in the chess community, while also promoting myself.

What you are doing is far far worse! You are consistently criticizing posts, without a care for how you are making others feel. If anything, I would rather see "ads" than negativity. But hey, if you have something positive to add, please feel free to post. I am sure many other players would love to hear what you have to say.
ok, i reread my comments and agree that i was too negative in general. so my apologies for that.

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