
Multiple pre-moves and duck chess and analysis improvements.

@Pootar_Is_Goof said in #1:
> Hello everyone,
> I just wanted to make a post about how I think that Lichess could improve their site. I would've done this in blogs, but I'm not old enough.
> Firstly, I think there should be multiple pre-moves in Lichess, as it would be a QoL thing. (This is just my opinion, and you can state yours below if you want.) I have this annoying thing, where I'm not focusing on the time in a game, and I'm fully winning but I have a few seconds left and just have to make moves, and it's annoying. Say you have a forced checkmate sequence you found, but you only have 0.3 seconds left on the clock. I use a trackpad, and don't have enough time to move in order to win, which is quite annoying, because yes I can make a pre-move, but then they'll start pre-moving and I won't have enough time to setup the pre-moves, as I have to move my cursor across the screen quite a few times. If you could all get that done at once, it would be much easier. Yet again, I am less experienced in chess and would like to hear other point of views.
> Secondly, I think duck chess should be a Lichess variant. I've heard from a friend (NOT saying this is true, please feel free to correct me) that Lichess had variants, and that wanted to get in on the fun, so they started having them too. And one of the greatest variants, is called "Duck Chess" where after every move, you place an immovable duck on the board that can't be moved until the after the opposing player makes their turn, and you can't have the duck in the same place twice. I don't think that can really get mad at this, as they can't really put a trade mark on the word "Duck" in front of chess. At least I don't they can. It's a very fun game mode
> Thirdly, I think they should have things like "Great move" and "Brilliant move" in the analysis. It's something that you have to pay for on, and I do not like that, as I don't think 10 bucks a month on chess is a good investment. I think it would help people figure out "Oh, Stockfish likes this to a certain degree. Now why and how does it like it? Oh! It says it right there!". And I think it would help players get better at chess, and also it would be good for youtube thumbnails and help promote the site.
> In conclusion, this is why I think that these few things should be added to Lichess, as I think they would be quality of life improvements. No, this is not for a school project, but in the future I might make it one. Buh-bye.
Thank you everyone for the feedback! I truly appreciate it, and I am now educated on why I got many dislikes on this post. :)
Personally I do not really like the concept of pre-moves at all, other than in minimal circumstances e.g.

1. I pre-move a recapture that will only work if my opponent captures my piece. So that's more of a conditional pre-move.
2. I have just forked my opponent's king and queen with my knight, and will capture the queen next regardless of where he moves his king.
3. It's mate next move and I play it.

Otherwise, chess is in reality a turn-based game. My move should depend on seeing what my opponent has played and responding.

If there is one criticism I have about the similarities between this site and is they both seem to "champion" high-speed chess with zero increment. Although both sites support playing with increment, it's almost like a concession, especially on here with the main tournaments (arenas) which were traditionally the only tournaments being played without them, often under the duress of those "champions" who like to berserk and don't like the idea of their opponent having an increment.

It may also be, of course, on the notion that in a game with increment that time allows your opponent the time to feed the moves into an engine, and therefore they won't cheat if they don't have the increment (which is of course false, they'll cheat because they want to cheat, although if they are choosing to cheat they may choose to play slower games if they're available)

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