
Czech Pirc vs Regular Pirc

Time to time I play Czech Pirc. The only advantage is that those playing this opening as White often don’t know it well. But Caro-Kann on e4 is somehow easier to play for me
THE PERC is a great opening it got me from 1500 to 1950
i don't play the Czech perc i did for a bit and its good but i mostly play the normal perc
but both are relatively rare so both good openings
If you don't play g6 then it's not a Pirc. Why is this thing called a Pirc I don't know. It's not a good opening either.
@Katoh1 said in #14:
> If you don't play g6 then it's not a Pirc. Why is this thing called a Pirc I don't know. It's not a good opening either.

GM Akobian might disagree...
There are tough lines but usually Black knows them better and he has his secrets, too.

And there are uncountable short skirmishes like I have never encountered in any opening before. Right now I had this against >2300 lichess and 2100 FIDE. 4. h3 poses no challenge I would say.

8 moves ...
@Sarg0n said in #3:
> I am a big Czech Pirc fan. It is so much underrated and really no white players know. The refutations are far from easy.
> Having played 1000 of Czech Pirc games I can tell. 1. e4 an Black is equal or better in most of my games.

I've never had it played against me but, as best I recall, my prep for it is short-something like
"play Austrian and dont wait too long to push e5''
Is my memory correct that this is a real line vs it?

Thanks, (as now that it's discussed my probability of facing it has increased). Bill
You can play 4. f4 Qa5 and then either 5. Bd3 or 5. e5.

The engine gives you +1 in either case. What, me worry?

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