
Games when site goes down

These games should all be automatically aborted. I lost a winning game on time out because the site went down.
Well, I lost a lost game... But I agree with JAKE, these games should be aborted.
I agree. This seems to burn me every time I'm playing and the site goes down. An automatic loss on time regardless of position.

Is there some trick I'm missing as my opponents seem to be able to move after the server goes down and I don't see it only it comes back online and I've lost?
Hey guys! Really sorry about the restart just then. It was an emergency one - doing it on the peak hour was extremely risky. I apologize!

Lichess servers usually adds time to ongoing games during restarts, but this one was abnormal. In fact, tournaments were burning up. After a regular restart (which shouldn't had caused any problems), the server stopped responding and was timing out. At lack of a better option, and that the reactor isn't turning up healthy, I decided to restart the server with the efficient way (TM) without much thought - That's why no move compensation was credited in the end!

It (not having move compensation) won't happen again. In addition, I agree that the idea in the thread is very helpful among similar cases.
Thank you for your eplanation.
This is not a big deal, it is only an online blitz game -)
I also lost an advantageous position, and like tipau says, it always seems to be on my move.

Only a few points I guess, but still, if some kind of system could be put in place.

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