
Search "user:SquareTableKnight"

54 forum posts
Game analysis - What do you think is the best move here?#3

@nyutixbrother said in #2: > there are a ton of wining moves here, but the best one is Nfd2+, wining the Queen I thought so too (quite obvious for many), but engine found even better move.

General Chess Discussion - There should be a law against this.#4

There was not enough time. It wasn't some kind of cheating. What rule do you propose?

Game analysis - What do you think is the best move here?#1

8/7p/2pp1np1/1p2p3/2k5/2P1QNq1/PP6/RNB2K2 w - - 2 36 But don't cheat!

General Chess Discussion - My first OTB tournament#8

It went well. I was afraid what's going to happen there. There was no one around to walk me through (what is it like, am I qualified, will they accept me as a person). I figured out all by myself. Onl…

General Chess Discussion - Why do people surrender when I only have 1!! second left and the game is far from over????#4

Often times I don't look to the clocks. So when I lose on time it comes as a surprise.

General Chess Discussion - Blitz vs Rapid#8

I was able to switch to 5+3 first by playing 10+2, then 10+0. If you can play 10+0, you can do more than fine on 5+3 (or even 5+2).

Lichess Feedback - iPhone app bug#4

Today encountered again now during the game for a brief moment, but there was the red "sound not available" icon though. And it was on mac with chrome browser.

General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to look at the time of day that a game was played#5

Subconsciously you remember more that you think, so hypnosis should help you with accessing the information you seek.

General Chess Discussion - Do Lichess players play chess instead of videogames?#10

Every game is a waste of time. But with chess you have at least a chance to get a title. A that is worth something.

Lichess Feedback - I can't text anybody#5

In chat or DM you mean?
