
Search "user:MaxBouaraba"

56 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Considering walking away from chess#24

I'm not sure but it seems, you havent invested really much time on study chess like others? I only can see from your post, that you easily loose focus when reading chess books. Well one reason could b…

General Chess Discussion - What is your training regime?#2

puzzles, then more puzzles and after breakfast even more puzzles

General Chess Discussion - How to improve speed without losing accuracy ?#3

solve puzzles every day, 30-60 minutes. by doing so you learn the patterns and you safe time. no need to think about tactical solutions anymore that long. puzzles, thats the only way, every coach will…

General Chess Discussion - How to find a second for tournaments?#10

A coach who is looking for a coach - Interesting post, but I'm not sure if I understand your desire. Questions: You are looking for a second, to help you to analyze your opponents openings, looking fo…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b3?#58

@Fischerfan10 said in #54: > I've had good results with 1..Nf6 and 2...g6, not committing in the center and going for a KID set up What if white dont goes for Bxf6 etc? Let me show you a nice "positio…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b3?#57

@Moro2000 said in #55: > @MaxBouaraba Hello everybody. Learning a lot from your opinions. I found Carlsen's game. Outstanding game!@Professor74 said in #56: > @Moro2000 @MaxBouaraba Interesting. I won…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b3?#45

@Professor74 said in #43: > @MaxBouaraba I ordered both programs to make the following moves: 1.b3 e5 2.Bb2 Bd6 3.Na3 Bxa3 4.Bxa3 -- Therefore 3.Na3 was not Komodo's idea. I got the idea from a questi…

General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b3?#42

@Professor74 said in #38: > @Sarg0n @MaxBouaraba @nhl_1 Interesting question. I played Komodo 12.1.1 against Stockfish 14.1 (both 64-bit, time control 40/1500+10) and got this game: I have never seen …

General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b3?#40

You simply wait with c6 untill it's a good move to play. Try Qe7 after e3 for example. c6 is not a must. In some lines even Nc6 is better.

General Chess Discussion - What is your favourite response to 1.b3?#37

@nhl_1 said in #33: > 2...Bd6, before white has played Nf3, seems to be inaccurate. White plays 3.e3 and then he still has f4 or g4 or Qg4 or Ne2 as ideas, depending on what black plays. For example 3…
