
Search "user:KurobaneYuusei"

7 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - lichess policy on Death Threats outside of lichess#20

@cormacobear said in #19: > My post should say "can be faked" not "cant", too late to edit it. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ The idea matters more than the English, everyone who reads your post should understand what yo…

Off-Topic Discussion - lichess policy on Death Threats outside of lichess#18

@cauffybeen said in #4: > if get in a drunken brawl with my uncle jim and he has a lichess account will it be brought before the lichess high court? I was expecting this reply but unfortunately it's n…

Off-Topic Discussion - lichess policy on Death Threats outside of lichess#1

On a private Discord server, I've been observing person A send hate and death threats to person B, both of which are lichess users. The severity of the situation is at a level where they are not makin…

Community Blog Discussions - I'll probably be blocked tomorrow.#35

#Keep Loser_Abuser Plus some random text so this doesn't count as "spam" or whatever lol.. Just voicing my opinion here.

Lichess Feedback - They want to block my nickname#45

Absolutely ridiculous decision by whoever moderator is behind this, they have let this account play 30k games over 3 years and did nothing to stop it. There are a lot of lost names from closed account…

General Chess Discussion - 2.4k bullet!#9

@FryderykFranciszek said in #5: > Chess is not a video game. By playing Bullet at all you're already playing the video game. Go play like 15+10 if you want to eliminate the physical factor of moving t…

General Chess Discussion - What is the worst opening in chess?#21

My favorite opening is the Kadas Opening: Beginner's Trap (it's a real name) 1. h4 d5 2. Rh3 Bxh3 Basically u disrespect your opponent giving them a free rook, as if you only learned how to play chess…
