
Remove names from Personal Opening Explorer

When you use the "Player" option in the opening explorer, you can limit your search to just one player. It defaults to yourself, but you can set it to another player. Once you've have searched on a player, that player's name is permanently added to a list so you can select them again in the future. That's a useful feature when I am looking at the games of players I follow, but I've also done one-time searches on random opponents. Is there any way that I can remove these names, and if not, can that be added as a new feature?
Maybe I can help. Are you using the game on a Chrome desktop browser?
This list is stored locally in your browser. So yes, you can remove them, but not in an easy way.
In chromium based browsers F12 should bring up developer tools, where you can switch to Application tab and then under Storage --> Local storage --> URL, you need to find and delete the ones you don't want. If you want to remove everyone, don't just delete the string with names, replace it with []
I really like this feature to look at my own games and my coaches but whenever I look at a specific opponent the games take way too long to index.
@zweb said in #5:
> I really like this feature to look at my own games and my coaches but whenever I look at a specific opponent the games take way too long to index.

Consider downloading and indexing it yourself, or maybe use a service like which does that for you.
Just implemented this feature in LiChess Tools browser extension. You will have to wait for v1.5.8 which I will probably publish today.

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