
People need to stop bashing lichess about cheaters

People complain way too much about lichess and cheaters, the reality is its impossible to stop every person from cheating. Lichess is one of the best sites for preventing cheating, and even though its frustrating, the few that can't be gotten rid of we will just have to live with. It's only online chess and we're very lucky have a place like lichess to play on!
More people should voice their support for the above comments to give the right impression that everything is OK and that the Developers and Moderators are doing the correct things. Mr. Thibault, Developers and Moderators Thank You. bye
I agree, Lichess is Amazing! Thank you all for keeping it going.
There are some problems here of course, but I haven't seen any other chess website that doesn't have them.

The only thing that I think might be improved here is the Ladder so I could play against opponents of my rating with less options for time control.

I still use to read chess news and watch tournaments broadcasts and I play at because they have ladder there. But most of the good options on those websites cost quite a lot of money while here on Lichess everything is for free. It's incredible! Thank you again!

Overall Lichess is the best site for playing and analyzing your games, puzzles are also the best you can have for free.
Lichess is the greatest site for playing chess that I've ever used.

I totally agree, the complaining about whining gets so incredibly tiresome. It sucks, and it can't be 100 percent prevented. We get it. It's still just an unscientific rating among people most of whom are using anonymous handles and the fact is there's no real reason to care enough about it to justify the nonstop whining. And as I've understood the explanations given, its effect on your overall rating is close to meaningless in the long run anyway.

A lot of the whining is just coming from sore losers throwing temper tantrums though.
It's easier to identify cheaters on lichess than on other servers thanks to the free computer analysis on other people's games. There are never that many cheaters anyway because cheating is really boring.
Agree totally with all the above comments.

Lichess is an excellent server. I believe it has an important contribution to make to the popularity of chess because it's so very easy to get started here, it's well-featured and free to use, and has a very nice user experience.

All that makes it welcoming for everyone, and a good home for people regardless of how much or how little they expect to play, what their level is, or how casual or serious they are about the game.

Other major sites really cater for "hard core" players only, but no one starts out as a hard core player, and plenty of us do not remain that way all through our lives.

I say "Bravo!" to Thibault and the team, and urge you to stay true to the philosophy that you started with.

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