
vienna gambit accepted

You can take the pawn, but 4...Qe7 7...Qd8 loses
true but it still puts you back a turn in develepment and your actually moving the knight out just to move it back in pretty much straight away so its still not very good and just better not to accept at all and play 3. ... d5
although it says the actual opening(3. f4) is an innacuracy :(((
Vienna gambit is a nice tricky opening for blitz and 3... d5 is the only reasonable move there. I don't care what the engine says. Maybe you can play something else like 3..d6 and survive, but why? And taking that pawn is just insane IMHO. Maybe there is an engine line that holds for black, I don't know, but to me it looks like playing halloween gambit up a knight

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