
Mass Messaging

As the leader of team ChessNetwork on lichess, I've been sending out a once per week mass message to all members informing them of upcoming team events. When I do this, my inbox is then flooded with an entry/receipt of every individual message sent to all members, 10,000+ in my case. This makes it impossible for me to address past/recent inbox messages I've received. I'm wondering if it can be the case that just one entry/receipt is made in one's inbox such as "Your message has been delivered to x members of team x".

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#1 I have a 50 person team and totally know what you mean! I want to be able to text my friends on here but it is so hard! Lichess can you make it a feature so that does not happen. Thanks!
Me too.
I lose conversations because I mass message too many players and lose count of how many conversations I am having.
Yes, what every makes it easier for you Jerry!! And thank you so much for the Bullet Tournaments you play in and put on YouTube!! They are my favorite!!

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