
I need a follow up for a player.

I will be playing another tournament soon and want a good system against the Kings Indian Attack. The player I will be playing is rated around 1500 and currently I have no system for the KIA. He will almost certainly play it as he plays it exclusively from white. Likely he will play the french from black as well.

I am a Ruy Lopez / QG / and sometimes venture into English from white. I use to play the Italian game but found it weak as everyone in beginner level well known with it. Also I have explored the Catalan (From both white and black) and Grunfeld (from whites pov as it is fairly common).

Any systems/openings/lines that suit my tastes I can use against the KIA and French would be welcome.
KIA can not be refuted. Resign after 1. kc3 and prepare for following tourney. GG
Thanks for the kind words!... But KIA has systems against it. I just need to find the right one that suits my play ;)

Sometimes when I see someone use an opening I don't know how to refute I will copy their moves until I see an opening or I think they're trying to trick me into making a blunder by copying a bad move. White doesn't have a huge lead most of the time if both sides of the board are the exact same. I mean no disrespect, this is a legit strategy.
You should simply study the way GMs play against it. Go to any website with a database and replay the first moves, try to understand why GMs play this or that variation.
It's a tricky system if you are playing against someone very familiar with it. You may think you have an equal position and are developing your queenside attack as per Sicilian type positions, then all of a sudden you are being mated. So you have to be careful of how White develops his attack. Generally people who play the KIA don't like theory and want to be able to rattle off 15 or 20 standard moves without worrying about what Black will do. They want to play e4, d3, c3, g3, Bg2, Nf3, Nbd2, 0-0, Re1, then depending on what you do they often want to play e5, Bg5, Qd2, h4, Nh2, Ng4 and try to mate you.

Personally I like to play ...c5 and fianchetto my dark squared bishop. The position usually resembles a closed Sicilian where White plays c3 instead of Nc3, and doen't play f4. You should play b5-b4 and open up the queenside and prepare to counter white's kingside attack by opening up the center after this if possible. You shouldn't get mated if you pay attention :-)
@realcool my general reply is 1...e5 or Caro-Kann in rare cases
I generally do not play the Sicilian as it does not come naturally.

Personally I don't mind letting my opponent play a KID with an extra tempo cause I find the KID is overrated.

Just curious - What's your rating? Because judging from some of your games, surely you play much better than a 1500

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