
TROQN chess

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So, the idea is this:
1. In the begiining of the game if i am white and my opponents is black:
we have time: lets say 15 seconsd to chose opponents troqns pieces, so at one moment of the games insted of moving a move i can transfer a chosen Troqn piece to be mine)
So lets say I can choose up to 5 points from my opponents piece but:
- 1 roook \ 5 points but one piece)
- or 1 bishop/knight and 1 pawn ( 2 pieces but 4 points)
- or 3 pawns ( 3 pieces but three points )
2. Rule 2: When you transfer a piece there should not be checkamate in one!
So examples of scenarios:
1) White chose a black pawn to be TROQN one!
black amnages to promote the pawn to q quenn but then white transfers to WHITE queen :D SURPRISE !
2) There could be bluffing !!! ANd also computers can not analyze it !
So lets say white push d pawn to be promoted!
And suddenly insted of blocking the pawn black makes a way the pawn to be promoted. SURPRISE !
Is this the black Troqn pawn? or this is BLUFF?
3) White are so good protected! they had castled! Kg1, queend on d2!, pawn to g2, knight to f3 ! Suddenly balck place bishop from Bc8 to Bh3!? If white takes the bishop is the knight on f3 blacks Troqn piece?! Because after white take the bishop the knight can become black ! and take the whites king( forking king and queen( !
Please I wanna feedback. I know coding is hard but please some good programmer make it happen!
Some of the soldiers are traitor like in real life. Много любопитно и завършена идея.

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