
How far can you go for a win ?

I'm sure black just didn't know it was a draw, they played on thinking they would win on time. Which if it were true would be a perfectly valid way to win, it's not your opponent's fault you didn't manage your time well enough to get the mate.

Where does it end? If I play a 5+0 game, spend forever on a few moves and am low on time while my opponent still has 4+ minutes on the clock but have a positional advantage, should they just resign? Why do we have time controls, if you should just get to ignore them at your will when you feel entitled to a win?

How do we know you would still have the positional advantage, if you had played within the time controls as your opponent had? Or who can say they wouldn't have the advantage, if they had managed their time worse than you? It could be the difference in a potentially crucial mistake.

No, it makes no sense whatsoever to cry about losing on time controls you have agreed to. This particular situation is funny because black clearly had no idea about the draw rule, they were probably just as annoyed at this result as you are. But that's not because there's any sympathy to be had for your failure to win the game.
Hahahahaha you so right Jorjo I forgot that it was a draw even if the clock was out.
You're right and this discussion is pointless now.
Little_Bobby_Tables you just don't understand my point.
I'm not complaining about the time control of lose on time.
Just I don't see the point to ramdomly move a piece just to gain time when we both have a lot of time in our clock (not enought so we could lose this way anyway).
It's the behavior the issue not the clock. And even so all of this is invalid cause of what Jorjo put in the lights.
Sorry for the waste of time.
You do know that we're talking from the black perspective now, right? It seems to me that you think Baybars is trying to defend the white side.

Even though it was already mentioned that you didn't have to play on whatsoever, there are enough positions in which a game is completely drawn, whatever move is played, but you can still win on time. To me, it's acceptable to try it when your opponent has <30 seconds, otherwise just offer a draw.

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