
Deleted forum posts?

Lately I notice on the main page more and more forum threads potentially interesting to me, that show the message "page not found 404".
Is this the result of higher censorship control, than before? Or higer bad behaiour control?
No. Old posts are broken due to having doubles in the database instead of integers, these wont load until they are fixed. New posts that has short non-unique titles should have a number added to them, but that doesn't work because the system doesn't see the old ones. Then the routing will try to load the oldest post with that title, but that can't load because of doubles...

So yeh, try to use unique titles until this is resolved. You can still see some of the content if you search for the post, it's not deleted. For example the recent spamming of "Tournaments"
I'm sorry guys. I tried uploading this on my phone and it didnt work. I apologize for what I hace done.
#4 don't worry about it :) it's not your fault that there is a bug, i shouldn't have portrayed it as spamming
flugsio - thank you for clarification.

Sungjin - do not give up in pursuit for the answers! :)
The topic of your thread was interesting, and I was also curious on anwers from the community.

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