
Which rating range do you guys think has more cheaters?

@and1world said in #8:
> i did yesterday and today but i don't think they agree or they might need time ,i don't know if it's allowed to share z tournament link for a player i find "INTERSTING" publicly
DM me.
@and1world said in #1:
> To make it simple
I'd say whatever range you are in - this one is overflowing with others who are obvious cretins.
I'd say 1500-2000, since new players start there, I doubt they'll crpss 2300 before being caught.
Most of the cheaters I have reported that have been banned have been sub 1600. When I get creamed by a 1900+, it's hard for me to tell if they are cheating. I also don't tend to play a lot of players who are 1900+ except in tournaments. So there's that. Better players may have different experiences.

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