
Facebook sharing

Hi Lichess,
Sharing your scores or ranking in facebook will be cool. Do you plan to have that feature.
There will never be any social media sharing buttons on lichess. Nothing's stopping you from pasting the link to your profile on facebook and such, though.
I think there could be an opt out for wanting to have social media sharing but the default should be "opt in".

Come off it guys - we should all be trying to share this amazing chess resource - not keep it secret. Is there a privacy issue?! The Internet is fundamentally insecure and we all use the Internet.

Anyway, I will be doing videos more with the new autopairing feature on Youtube

Cheers, K
I appreciate this site for not having bloat of third party spying buttons- developer promised that this remains true for ever.
Number of people playing here is rising in good pace-there is no need to haste it up,
true value of this site will prevail sooner or later...
Again , I remaind to everyone just paste to other sites profiles ,forums
short info ,something like this :
I play chess (also) on excellent Try it !
We don't need to infiltrate all websites in the world with social media stuff.
The maximum which we could get to in my opinion is by making use of the meta og: tags on the profile pages which social media sites use to make a "preview" of that page.
Like that they can preview the players name, elo and maybe even an image of his statistics. So that you could share your ranking just by posting a link of your profile.
I also think that social networks (and especially facebook) should be kept away from Lichess. Pasting links is not that hard anyway.

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