
had a weird bugged game

I did not realized it at start but chat messages kept come along with my ping or his ping, "Black to move in 15 seconds"
When he quit after a few moves I only saw that I had extensive minutes in a 10 mins match, had started at 35 mins him as white 10. I have screenshots. I DM'd a GM thought it was a mod and told him all before I get the cheater ban as I registered only 3 days ago I could not post here...
It was not bugged, and you misread the messages. Your opponent added several times 15 seconds to you clock, which is a feature, and not a bug.
ok, thanks for the reply, but why did I got 35 mins and him 10 while I choose 10 mins rapid normal. and that message kept appear while he at first did not wanted to start then resigns?
Look timer, the 15 seconds can't possibly add up in that time to get me 35 minutes..
it came along with ping time, so count. Also thank you for your answer.
Your opponent hit the +15 seconds button like crazy. As easy as that.

(You can disable the +15 sec button in the preferences.)

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