
Account name.

<Comment deleted by user>
I am not a mod.. but um..

Whom are you trying to troll? This request is ridiculous. An account already exists with the name. Cool.
If we ask for the impossible, then only the impossible will be asked for. I'm going to change my account to killF7 and answer differently. I can't wait to hear what I say.
"He probably wants to "erase" his game history that way. There are little to no games on the account though."

Suddenly, this guy became the most interesting 1400 in the world.
Accounts are not deleted but closed. Lichess has a stash of dead closed accounts that thibault wants to hoard, rumor has it he wants to make a necklace out of it.
I belive Liches moderators have more important things to do. You are asking for something you can do by yourself, let me help you out: go to "preferences" then choose "close account", that's it, now you can create the same thing over and over.
<Comment deleted by user>

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