
My heart is still pounding.

White should play 53. Nc6+ Kd5 54. Nb4+ Kc4 55. Nc2 Kc3 56. a3 and black lose.
@Savage_Water said in #2:
> Glad your heart is still pounding and hasn't stopped. Then you wouldn't be alive.
no, it just needs to be beating, doesn't have to be pounding.
@MISTER_McCHESS said in #5:
> no, it just needs to be beating, doesn't have to be pounding.

Another theory is that you had a crush against the player. Which is why it was "pounding"
@MISTER_McCHESS said in #4:
> white has 12 seconds.
Even if winning a game was impossible with respect to time, we can always analyse
positions from the game (@CM Sarg0n proposed his move for white too). If we assume
that white lose their time as first, then, clearly, the game is drawish since 52. Nxd8.
@Savage_Water said in #6:
> Another theory is that you had a crush against the player. Which is why it was "pounding"
This is far more likely

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