
Chess mini games and brainteasers

PuzzleSoftware Development
Check out my site with 8 mini games to play

Planning for (eventually) 64 different games, with every 8 games part of a "rank" with a unique theme.

First rank has the theme "Think" -- hopefully these will engage your mind and you'll figure out some patterns along the way. I tried to keep the level of difficulty to about medium for now.

Knight Swap - Swap the positions of the white and black knights on the miniboard. Easier version of Knightmare Swap.
King Walk - a fun puzzle if you've never solved it before. I believe this may be the first interactive version of the puzzle.
Rook Slide - like the 15-16 game, with a slight twist.
Venom - become the piece you capture, it's like pinball meets chess.
Knight Tour - what I consider to be the Sudoku of chess, probably my favorite of the group
Pawn Mower - a cool concept originally by GM Maurice Ashley. I've generated my own puzzles -- some are harder than others.
Knightmare Swap - adaptation of a puzzle that appeared in an NYT article last month, and the inspiration for this website.
Copycat - a little riddle to complete the rank.

All games have drag and drop enabled (including the Knight Tour game so you don't have to type numbers if you don't want to). Some games you can just click/tap the square without dragging if there's a valid move for that square.

Rank 2 will be themed "React", and is intended to help with building intuition. It should be more fun and have a "practice range" kind of feel.

The website is in its nascent stages, so if there's any issues let me know. I tested on my phone and desktop (on tablets it might not look too good right now, at least in portrait mode).